Tifany, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
The other day I heard a quote that’s stayed with me for a while.
And the quote states:
The poorest person in the world isn’t the person with the least amount of money. The poorest person in the world doesn’t have a vision because people without a vision for their future will always end up going back to the past.

And truth is, I can't agree more because although being a small business owner can be hard sometimes... it is still rewarding because I have a vision for what I want my life to be like and how it will impact generations after me.
Hell, I even want it to impact my parents, siblings, best friends, cousins, and so on.
So, no matter what I go through in my business…
I keep whispering to myself over and over, “This HAS to work”.
And it’s true - this has to work because I don't intend to stop until my vision becomes my reality.
This is why I don’t work with NPs that haven’t decided the real reason why they want to start a virtual practice.
If they don’t know why, it means they don’t have a vision, and without a vision, they’ll chicken out when business situations arise that require perseverance.
So, if you have a vision for why you need to start/scale a profitable virtual practice… then click here because I’ll love to help you bring that vision to reality.
With love,

Whenever you are ready… here are four ways I can help you escape burnout by building a profitable virtual practice: 1.) Register for my FREE Telehealpreneur Start-Up Workshop Discover the “Telehealthpreneur Framework” I used to go from being overworked and underpaid to building my dream career as a nurse practitioner – Click Here 2.) Get The Telehealthpreneur Start-Up Guide Learn how to generate additional monthly revenue on the side with the proven Telehealthpreneur Framework. The only start-up guide created by a Nurse Practitioner For Nurse Practitioners – Click Here 3.) Get a 30-minute Clarity Call With Me. Need clarity on telehealth or any of the things I teach? Get custom answers to your specific situation for 30 minutes. Some people have found these calls more valuable than all my content combined – Click Here 4.) Get The On-Demand Telehealthpreneur Start-Up Course. The ultimate training program for nurse practitioners to quickly build a profitable virtual practice in 2023 – Click Here