I am a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Telehealth Expert. I advocate for all Nurse Practitioners to lead a full life of freedom and flexibility. Telehealth has granted me the ability to work from anywhere so I travel whenever my heart desires. I absolutely love caring for my patients in a way that best fits them and not what is dictated by insurance companies that have never treated a patient a day in their lives. America's healthcare system is broken, but as Nurse Practitioners we have the power to change that while also building a life we love. I am committed to helping as many Nurse Practitioners as I can reclaim their time, energy and purpose by becoming a Telehealthpreneur.

This is for the

Who is seeing 25+ patients per day
Who is finishing up progress notes on the sofa after putting the kids to bed
Who is working twice as hard as their physician counterparts yet being compensated 1/4th of their pay
Who became a Nurse Practitioner to make a difference in the lives of others but instead has become a "patient seeing robot" chasing RVUs
Who's patients recognize the knowledge, expertise and value you bring to the practice but yet your employers refuse to increase your pay
Who's tired of being tired?

Who hasn't taken a vacation in 5 years because your PTO hours are used to take the kiddos to appointments, school or athletic events
Who has been working as a travel RN because the pay was better duh but now the rates are lower and its time for a change
Who is on the brink of quitting but your family needs the income to sustain
Who is ready to start a business but don't know where to start
Who is ready to launch a business but has minimal start up funds

I Was You and Starting My Telehealth Practice Was Quite Literally
My Ticket to Freedom. It can be Yours Too, I Want to Show You How.
I See You.

Work from
Build your work around your life not the
other way around

Travel around the world without ever
requesting PTO or losing any revenue

Full time revenue with
Learn how to automate your practice to work
even when you aren't

What you will
This 6 Month Course Membership is for Nurse Practitioners to unlock their full potential and monetize their existing knowledge by launching a profitable Telehealth Practice. During this course.....
You’ll learn every angle of telehealth via 20+ hours of video coaching, walkthroughs, and strategy sessions
You’ll get a 120-day Task Assist Manager: an interactive tool that’ll tell you exactly what to do. And when. Broken down into tasks you can complete in 15 mins, 30 mins, and 60 mins.
You’ll get to ask me ALL your burning questions once per month in a live Q&A session. Plus, you’ll get access to six months of past Office Hours recordings.
You’ll get access to a monthly video stream, where I’ll help a community member solve a significant problem in their telehealth business.*
You’ll become a member of our exclusive mastermind community, filled with NPs on the same telehealth journey.*
You’ll get access to hard-won secrets and insights I learned throughout my telehealth journey.*
You’ll hear from expert guest speakers, who will do deep dives on topics crucial to your success.*
You’ll receive an AI chat bot that will allow you to ask ANY question about the Telehealth Start Up Collective.
…And you’ll get a treasure trove of templates, e-books, checklists, and resources that’ll simplify your life as a telehealth business owner.
Bonus # 1: The Collab MD Kit: Secure a Collaborative Physician that is eager to work with you
Bonus # 2: Digital marketing Unleashed: How To Fill Your Virtual Practice With Ideal Patients Who Are Ready To Work With You
Bonus # 3 : Exclusive Access to MY Graphic Designer (plus and easy to follow Telehealth Approved Website Design Template)
Bonus # 4: Telehealth Startup Toolbox: Legal Compliance Made Simple
Bonus # 5: Insider’s Secret to Automate Your Practice: Step by Step EMR